Monday, August 30, 2010

One day 'til Metroid!

So I remembered today... Metroid: Other M is out tomorrow! Woot! Yeah, I'll be picking it up first thing in the morning and be playing it as soon as I'm home from work.

Can't wait to play it. I loved Metroid Prime 3, I completed it 100% in my first play-through and had it completed by the next day of release lol. Yeah I'm that guy..

Anyway, I'll let you guys know how it goes tomorrow morning. And on another note I have twitter as well, just follow mustbehiggy

Giving it a shot

Well, this is my first blog post. I still don't have a clue as to what I'm doing here.. But I have a plan and I'm sticking to it!

My girl friend and myself have decided we love playing games so much that we figured, "hey.. everyone should pwn as many n00bs as we do!". So in order to help you guys, we've made this blog to basically just say all the things we're doing in the world of video games. We'll update it with tips and tricks we've found in games, news for new or up coming games etc etc. I guess you'll just have to check back to see what we're up to.

First of all - Lately I've been playing Counter-Strike: Source, again! I dunno what it is about that game but it always draws me back in. Also my MMO of choice is EVE-Online and I've recently started StarCraft 2.

The lady on the other hand, who goes by the gamer-name Kate Monster - She's been playing Mario Galaxy 2 on the Wii. She also recently bought the whole 'Valve pack' on STEAM. So zombies have been dying in Left 4 Dead.

Anyway, looking forward to more posts.