Sunday, October 17, 2010

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Well, I got Kirby's Epic Yarn today and me and Katie have played through the first group of levels. Pretty awesome to say the least so far.

The art style of the game is amazing! You wouldn't even know the game was playing on a Wii (except for the awesome Nintendo feel to the game). It's got a meh story, I mean.. what do you expect from a Kirby/Nintendo game right? It's good solid platforming and the two player works VERY well. In fact, I'd have to say this game was made to be played as a two player.

It breaks down like this, Kirby is thrown in to the yarn universe kinda like Mario in Super Paper Mario, he helps someone find the magic yarn pieces that will bring the 7 pieces of the kingdom back together. I'd say it's a pretty typical Nintendo storyline right there. You hold the controller on it's side just like you control Super Mario Bros. Wii. Button 2 for jump Button 1 for attack/action/everything else. There is actually a lot to be done in this game, there is loads of collectible items for decorating your own home (if you so desire) and you get medals depending on how many beads  you find throughout the levels. So a lot of reason to replay the levels to make sure you get everything because sometimes you do miss it.

You can't really die in the game, but it's kinda like Sonic in a way that when you are hit or fall you will lose some of your beads effecting your score etc. It doesn't take or add anything to the game so it's not a big complaint from me. I would say some people think it makes the game too easy but I dunno.. I don't see a problem with it.

All in all, I'd have to say it's a must buy for any Wii owner out there that enjoys Mario games, or just platforming games in general. Even those who haven't a lot of experience with platforming might wanna give it a go, it's a great multiplayer title and very easy to get in to. With a lot of things to keep the hardcore platformer busy for a while too =)

More Kirby news to follow once we're further in to it, we'll also try to avoid spoilers hehe =)

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