Thursday, September 9, 2010

EVE Novels

So, I've mentioned that I play a game called EVE: Online... which is the most bad ass awesome MMORPG out there. Speaking of which, check this new video-

Anyway, so I was out at a book store since Katie needed some books for school. I decided to go on one of my little wonders around the store and grabbed myself two EVE novels, first one called "The Empyrean Age" and also "The Burning Life". I'm a few chapters in to The Empyrean Age and it's blowing my mind! I love it, and I rarely read books - But because this is in a universe that I'm part of (in my game... yes I am a geek) I understand and visualize it even more and because of that I also want to play the game more. I guess it's a win win for CCP lol. But yeah the game is amazing, the books are amazing and I'd suggest reading them even if you haven't played the game before. Who knows, you might end up wanting to play the game!

You can get a trial account for EVE btw, and I would give it a shot if I were you and 2 weeks or however long the trial is, just isn't enough time to scratch the surface of this game. It's got quite a big learning curve but once you stick with it.. you'll wonder why you played anything else. I've been playing it since like April of 2004 and I think the biggest break I've ever had from the game was like a month and a half hehe. So 6 years of playing the game and I probably haven't even done half the things the game has to offer and I only fly 2 out of the 4 races in the games, ships. So yeah.. you'll never run out of things to do!

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