Monday, September 6, 2010

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Complete & Super Meat Boy


Well, I have just beat the final Bowser stage, and I gotta say.. It was too easy! My only comment on the whole game would be that all the fights with Bowser were identical!! But Mario and I are so pro, I'm not surprised it was easy.. lol, jk! :P And just when you think it's over.. It's never over. After watching the credits, there was a nice surprise! So you must check it out! The surprise blew my mind and made this game even more amazing!!!!

Meat Boy:

I am very excited for the upcoming game, Super Meat Boy. It is the same concept of Mario.. A bad guy steals your girlfriend, and your goal in every level is to save her. It's gross because you're a meatball and you leave blood everywhere you go, which makes the stages slippery and harder to succeed. It also makes me think of Limbo, for the Xbox, because it is deadly! You have to maneuver through next to impossible obstacles, like saw blades. It has a really cool feature, that once you complete a level, you have the opportunity to play it back with all your attempts simultaneously. My only beef (lol) with it, is that the release dates are all over the place. For both PC and Mac, IGN notes that it'll be out in August.. But it's NOT out yet! :@ Grr! I have searched around and found that it should be out around October.. So be on the look out! My other concern would be whether to buy it on PC or for the Wii. The one for the Wii has a release date approximately around Winter/Christmas time. So it all depends on how desperate I am to play it!
If you want some practice, there is a demo/prototype version that is free to play at Newgrounds. So if you're interested, check out the link and enjoy!

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